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Showing posts with the label Nutrition and healthy eating

Maintenance Calorie calculator

Calorie calculator :  explanation of calories and their impact on weight.  Whether you want to manage your weight or just learn more about how your body works, this guide will cover everything you need to know. What are Calories? Calories are units of energy found in food and drinks. They are like fuel for your body, helping it function properly. Energy Balance and Weight Maintenance Maintaining weight is all about balancing the energy you get from food (calories consumed) with the energy you use (calories burned through daily activities and exercise). How Your Body Stays in Balance? Keeping your body at a healthy weight is like keeping a scale in balance. On one side of the scale, you have the energy you get from the food and drinks you consume. On the other side, you have the energy your body uses to function and be active. When you eat and drink, you're putting energy into your body. This energy comes in the form of calories. Your body needs calories to do everyday things like b

Staying hydrated

 Staying Hydrated: 10 Tips and benifits of staying hydrated   Water is the most important thing for our bodies, and being properly hydrated is important for our health. Our bodies need water to work well and keep us healthy. But many people don't realize how important it is to stay hydrated and don't drink enough water each day. In this blog post, we'll explain why staying hydrated is essential, what happens when we don't drink enough water, and share 10 easy tips to help you stay hydrated throughout the day. Let's get started! Why Water Is So Important Water makes up about 60% of our body, and it does a lot of important jobs. It helps keep our body temperature right, helps with digestion, moves nutrients around, and makes our joints work smoothly. Water also helps us get rid of waste through  sweat, which keeps our bodies clean. How Staying Hydrated Helps You Being hydrated is really good for your health. It helps your brain work better, so you can focus and rememb

mindful eating

Healthy mindful eating Content:: 1) What is mean by mindful eating? 2)Tipes for practicing mindful eating 3) Benifits of the mindful eating  #What is mean by mindful eating  Mindful eating means paying close attention to what you eat and how you eat it. It can help you control how much you eat and maintain a healthy weight. When you eat mindfully, you take time to enjoy your food and notice the flavors and textures. This can improve your digestion and help you absorb nutrients better. Mindful eating also helps you feel happier and more satisfied with your meals. It's about being aware of your body's signals for hunger and fullness and eating in a way that nourishes your body and mind. #Tips for the practicing mindful eating  Practicing mindful eating is all about taking small steps and being kind to yourself. Here are some simple tips to get started: 1)Slow down and chew your food thoroughly. Enjoy each bite and notice the different tastes and textures. 2)Pay attention to your